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Sex, Health and Live Longer

We may want to know that doing what comes naturally can often save us a small fortune in medicines, for example, having sex. In fact, Research has shown that making love not only make us feel good, it is good for our health too, i.e. live longer.

According to sex experts, having sex, love and tenderness is one of the finest ways to keep our bodies and minds in prime condition as it helps us to ward off sickness and to prolong our life span. How it works is that sex will make our heart racing, increases energy, raises our metabolic rate, stretches all kinds of muscles and, of course, burns calories, in short it is an excellent exercise that we all can do indoors, it's so natural and yet free.

Even foreplay, i.e. the touching and cuddling before the actual lovemaking is beneficial. "Petting and cuddling have much the same effect as intercourse, promoting a release of hormones. With more estrogen being released, bones become stronger and healthier," says Dr Judy Kuriansky, sex therapist and an adjunct professor of psychology, Columbia University Teachers College.

"Most humans need to be touched and caressed," she adds. Studies around the world show that when a person's spouse passes on, his or her own lifespan decreases significantly. Even though sex does not burn up the calories it is reputed to, but the personal reinforcement you get in a warm and loving relationship does help to keep both men and women stress-free and happy, according to Dr David Devlin, a top UK psychiatric adviser.

Today Healthcare has noted that an increasing number of doctors around the world are coming to the conclusion that plenty of sex, love, tenderness and affection is regarded as a marvelous prescription (or alternative to prescription drugs and alternative medicine) for good health, i.e. a link between stress and heart disease. A person who feels unloved and rejected appears to be more likely to suffer serious illness than a happy, secure person in a good sexual relationship," says Dr Devlin.

"People are often afraid to make love after a heart attack - but the quickened heartbeat that comes with sex means better circulation and better health," says Dr Kuriansky, adding that "lovemaking can increase our pulse rate to as much as 170 beats per minute, making it a great cardiovascular exercise." Medical statistics has shown that making love will burn about 200 calories if we are enthusiastic and stresses our heart about as much as climbing two flights of stairs, which means if you can climb to the next landing without passing out, sex is probably okay for you and can serve as natural prescription drugs/alternative medicine for a good heart.

Another plus point for women is that lovemaking not only good for their heart; it is also a great beauty tool! Increased blood circulation during sex can work wonders for a woman’s complexion, and helps nourishing and moisturizing a woman’s skin," adds Dr Kuriansky. "It also makes your hair shine, as more oxygen-rich blood flows to follicles."

Medical tests that were performed at the Athena Institute for Women's Wellness Research at Haverford, Pennsylvania, have shown that sex is really good for a woman's body. It was reported that sex once a week keeps a woman's reproductive system in good condition, and sexually active menopausal women suffer fewer hot flushes. However, it must be regular as sporadic sex can throw off the endocrine system.

Adds Dr James Lynch, of Life Care Health Centre in Baltimore, Maryland, "Our medical studies show that some parts of our body are more affected than others by emotional influences. Worrying about an unsatisfactory relationship and lack of affection can raise cholesterol levels in the blood and lower our body's ability to fight disease. Such stress can cause the body to release an excess of acid into the stomach, leading to digestive problem.

According to sex therapists and that I know is that our emotions can color the fabric of our sexual life, as our emotions will provide the context in which men and women make love, or abstain from it. What most people don't realize is that the way in which we make love can nourish our emotional state, this is a proof why depression and anxiety are the two of the most common emotional issues that can affect our sex lives, which in turn, can positively affect lovemaking and how it makes love to stop the pain!

Making love can inspire our imagination and increase our sensitivity, this is because sexual energy is one of the most powerful and creative energies. Lovemaking also helps us release the bonding hormone, i.e. oxytocin, that help boost our creativity and heighten our senses, as well as our concentration, mental acuity and focus. As for healthcare and from the point of alternative to prescription drugs and alternative medicine, making love will make men and women less self-conscious and less concerned about what other people think about them, this in a way will bring about the qualities of self-worth, self-esteem and self-acceptance by showing us that our partner find our body and us desirable. In addition, because lovemaking increases our sex drive and libido, hence our life drive, many would want to share it with others. No wonder, making love could actually improve our character and making us a better person!

Other medical research at the centre of human sexuality in Brooklyn, New York, has uncovered the following facts:

  • Lovemaking can help unlock a stuffy nose as sex often makes people sneeze because it arouses different parts of the body, including the nose.
  • Regular ejaculation reduces the likelihood of prostate cancer or an enlarged prostate in men as they grow older, says Dr Marian Dunn of the Centre.
  • A lover's touch can get rid of a headache and muscle aches as touching are one of the body's very natural pain-blocking processes.
  • A long, loving goodbye kiss in the morning can act like a vaccination for the rest of the day, reducing stress and stress related illnesses.

What I would like to stress is that a healthy sex is indeed the best alternative to prescription drugs or alternative medicine.

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