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Managing Arthritis

Believe you would agree that our golden years need not be plagued by the pains of growing older.

We definitely can’t do much to prepare ourselves for the inevitable process of ageing, i.e. vision loss, aching joints and decreasing energy levels are just some of the conditions that we have to contend with. But for aching joints or joint pains, especially arthritis-related joint pains, no doubt it is within the ambit of ageing, we can manage it with a few simple steps to minimise the impact of arthritis in our life.

Medical research has shown that joint damage usually manifests itself early on in some form of arthritis, what that means is that proper diagnosis is required and also given the fact that there are many different types of arthritis and each may necessitate different forms of treatment. At its simpler form, consider the evidence-based natural supplements/ alternative medicine, i.e. cod liver oil. Cod liver oil, when taken in high concentrations, has been scientifically proven to reduce the inflammation, pain and morning stiffness commonly associated with arthritis. Besides rich in Omega-3 essential fatty acids, cod liver oil is also associated with good immune health in children. Even if we do not suffer from arthritis or joint pain, we can still consume cod liver oil to ensure our joints are healthy, supple and flexible.

What if you have been diagnosed with arthritis? I would suggest you to watch your diet, meaning eating the right food, i.e. well-balanced diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. It is important to know that proper nutrition is vital to keep our body, including our joints, in its good condition.

An obvious benefit from watching our diet, as you might already know is to reduce the excess weight, which usually will help us to ease the strain on our joints and reduce joint pains. In fact, excess weight equals extra stress on our knees, feet, back and hip.

Another simple step towards better arthritis management is to watch our water intake. Sadly, most people do not place enough importance on drinking the required eight glasses of water a day. It is recommended to drink half a glass of water for each hour when we are awake and not just when we are feeling thirsty. The reason is that, at the point of feeling thirsty, we are already mildly dehydrated. Do remember that water loss is detrimental to our joints, as it robs them of their ability to lubricate. As such, staying well hydrated is the simplest way to minimise unnecessary joint pain.

Contrary to popular belief, we should not refrain from exercise simply because we have joint pains. This is because when we exercise, we are actually strengthening the muscles that protect our joints. For this purpose, all we need is a 30 minutes a day exercise for at least three times a week for doing normal things that we enjoy to do such as gardening, washing car or just simply walking in the park. Do remember that regular, simple or low-impact activities, e.g. simple jog, biking and swimming exercise is beneficial to joint pain sufferers. Nevertheless, we should always take the necessary precautions to protect from joint injuries. Always make sure to warm up properly before you perform any exercise.

Lastly, we may want to pamper our joints once in a while. To ease joint pain and relieve muscle tension, treat yourself to a warm bath or the occasional massage. Your joints will thank you for it. Remember, our life does not have to end simply because we suffer from arthritis. By practicing these little simple tips, we would be well on our way to managing our arthritis. Do consult a doctor if you are suffering from persistent joint pain.

(Related phrases for record purpose: rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, arthritis symptoms, arthritis treatment, arthritis pain relief, arthritis pain, psoriasis arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis symptoms)
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