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Remedies for Hangover

Do you feel disturb after drinking alcohol? Do you know that by eating a meal before you start to drink alcohol can help you to avoid hangover?
A hangover is usually the result of drinking too much alcohol, although some people have symptoms after just a small amount of alcohol. The cause is actually a combination of the dehydrating effects of alcohol, and adverse reactions to chemical additives in those drinks, particularly dark-coloured drinks such as red wine, sherry, brandy and port. The result of it is that we may have nausea, dizziness, headache, a dry mouth, and a raging thirst. All these may disturb our sleep at night, nevertheless, most people can recover rapidly with some self-help measures, and most of the symptoms can usually clear up within 24 hours.
What you can do to yourself is to take the following steps immediately to minimize a hangover:
  1. Try to drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids before going to bed and the next morning to reduce dehydration. Have a glass of water by your bed, and take sips if you wake up in the night. Fruit juices which contain natural sugar fructose are particularly helpful, as it helps to burn up the alcohol faster. For this purpose, you may want to eat an orange or drink some freshly-squeezed juice but refrain to drink tea or coffee because they likely irritate your stomach and increase dehydration.
  2. Never drink more alcohol to reduce your symptoms as it will only prolong the hangover.
  3. Try to eat if you know that you are going to drink alcohol, as it help to prevent hangover by boosting low blood sugar levels. You may want to know that even a banana will help in this instance. Do practice alternate between alcoholic and soft drinks.
Non prescription drugs/alternative medicine remedies:
  • Painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can help to relieve a headache as well as to prevent some of the symptoms of a hangover if you take it before going to bed. But be careful as it may worsen any stomach irritation.
  • Antacids are usually taken to relieve nausea and indigestion, and are available as hard or chewy tablets, fizzy drinks, or soothing liquids.
  • Other hangover remedies that help to relieve headaches and upset stomach will likely contain a combination of drugs, such as aspirin, paracetamol for headaches, or antacids for upset stomach. Some may contain vitamin C, glucose, or caffeine that helps to relieve the full range of hangover symptoms.
To prevent unwanted thing to happen, don’t drive even after the day you have been drinking as alcohol will remain in your bloodstream for long periods, and rest until you feel better.

See your doctor if you are experiencing:
  1. Have regular hangovers, and finding it hard to reduce your drinking
  2. The need to drink alcohol first thing in the morning

(Related phrases for record purpose: hangover pills, hangover relief, hangover medicine, anti hangover, hangover treatment, hangover drink, milk thistle hangover)
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